Getting to Know You

How do you get to know you? You need to know what you love best and what you hate most and also find time to have an honest conversation with self.  

You might be aware of world events and how what is happening is impacting the lives of those around you.  You may know how to describe your family and friends but when asked how to describe yourself, you are left speechless. If you don’t know and accept yourself, you may find it difficult to choose a path that is truly fulfilling.  

As a result, you may end up in an occupation and relationships that are not compatible with who you are. Here are some questions that you can reflect on as you get to know yourself:

  • What do I love best?

Take time to make a list of the things you enjoy doing.  Focus on those things that you could do for the rest of your life; things that you will never retire from as compared to a job that you were hired to do.  In short, this will be something that you could do for as long as you live without compensation.  How about redefining your job and being in control of your career? You should eagerly pursue your passion and, in doing so, you will live a more rewarding life. 

You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the traits that you believe define you?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are the words that others would choose and use to describe you?
  • What or how do you want others to see you?
  • What do I hate most?

Take time to make a list of the things you don’t enjoy.  Focus on those things that you could not do for the rest of your life.  In short, those things that you will not do even if you were compensated for it. Are you excited about your job? Are you struggling or having Sunday night blues as you prepare to return to work on Monday? Have your vices multiplied as a result of your job or the fact that the dreams you have for your life are not being realized? Are you losing your energy for outside interests because you are mentally drained from doing a job that is not fulfilling? Are you doing a job that you want to be retired from like yesterday?  It’s time to take inventory and make the necessary changes so that you can accomplish all that God has purposed for you.

  • Know Your Weaknesses and Strengths

Getting to know yourself is about developing a full picture of who you really are.  This means being candid about those things that you excel at as well as areas in your life where you can improve.  Conduct a comprehensive inventory of your weaknesses and strengths, but it is best to begin with your strong points. Some questions to ask are as follows:

  • Are you a good communicator?
  • Are you reliable?
  • Are you trustworthy?
  • Are you very critical of yourself?
  • Are you creative and analytical?
  • How do you handle stress and pressure?
  • Do you know how to delegate?
  • Are you patient and respectful when working with others?
  • Are you punctual? 
  • Are you disciplined?
  • Are you coachable?
  • Do you learn from your mistakes so as not to repeat them?

Moreover, you must give your major decisions in life some thought. Consider both the good and bad decisions you have made.  Ponder why you made those decisions and any lessons you may have learned as this can help you get to know yourself better.  

Determine if there are some common themes when evaluating your weaknesses.  Once you have done so, consider what you can do to learn from your weaknesses.  Ponder what steps you need to take to make the necessary changes to turn those weaknesses into strengths for we are all truly a work in progress.  “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 3:12-14

  • Know Your Dreams

Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God had a purpose for your life and those plans he had for you were for good.  “For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11. So, dream big dreams and trust God to order your steps and to bring what he has purposed for you into manifestation.  Remember that your dreams matter and are worth fighting for.  So, don’t quit and don’t give up.  Pursue those things that invigorate you and that you are passionate about.  Believe that if God has revealed to you your life’s purpose, he will help you achieve it for he promises to never leave us nor forsake us. 

So, follow your God-given dreams and help make this world a better place.  In doing so, you will bring glory and honor to our heavenly father.  For, we were created to glorify him.  Remember that it is “not by might nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord Almighty”.  Zechariah 4:6